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Bridging the gap between sales and marketing

“Focus is everything to a marketing organization today. For a productive marketing team, focus on what’s important.” “Your brand truly needs to be authentic, and you need to live it every day.” “Marketing doesn’t end with creating net new profit. There really is a lot that marketing can do to support sales activity from what’s […]

Four tips for Revenue Marketers to start the new year with a full pipeline.


It’s happening again. Your sales team is only focusing on closing deals that are in the pipeline and being super selective on which leads they pursue. (As in they only concentrate on leads they think they can close this year.) It’s all about the quick close that will bolster year-end numbers. So where does this […]

Lead Nurturing: Are you Following the 3 x 3 x 3 Rule?

|Lead Nurturing|lead nurturing

As we first wrote in this space several years ago, we are seeing a lot of our clients getting more sophisticated with lead nurturing. Most of our clients have shifted away from a primary focus on batch and blast outbound emails and have started filling the top of the funnel through inbound engagement and driving […]