
save 50% off Buyer Personas
for martech vendors

We got to
know your buyers.
Boy, do they have
a lot to tell you.

We conducted more than 400 quantitative surveys
and 50 detailed, qualitative interviews with marketing executives. The result is a deep understanding of your best customers and what makes them tick.

Get inside the minds of your buyers, instantly.

Successful revenue marketing means going beyond demographics and firmographics to understand what buyers are THINKING, FEELING, and DOING at each stage of their journey.

But many MarTech Vendors struggle to find the time, resources, and energy it takes to perform quality persona research on a regular basis. Sound familiar?

Here’s the thing, though: 65% of companies that updated their personas within the last 6 months exceeded their lead and revenue goals. Are you willing to bet your marketing budget on an out-of-date picture of your target personas?
Your competitors sure aren’t.

Our in-depth persona research packages—created specifically for MarTech Vendors—are built from statistically relevant research we conducted with your customers and prospects.

This is more than just theoretical research. Our detailed insights provide a complete view of who your prospective customers are as well as strategic and tactical recommendations for each persona in each stage of the buyer journey. 

"From being in the industry
for over 60 years, we have experienced tremendous shifts in the way we operate, the way we communicate with our customers, and the way our customers buy. Demand Spring's in-depth research allowed us to gain valuable insights about our audience that were critical for us to understand the shift in our buyers' behavior, and adjust our marketing activities to align with these behaviors"

What You’ll Get

An actionable blueprint of what your buyers are thinking, feeling and doing at each buying stage

A detailed persona
fact sheet

Practical recommendations for acting on what you've learned 

A 90-Day checklist to apply to your marketing and sales strategies in the upcoming quarter


Buyer Personas Available

• Demand Generation Executive
• Digital Marketing Executive
• Marketing Operations Executive
• Content Marketing Executive

$2000 for one, or $6,000 for all five.

Contact Us

For more information about our Persona Research Packages or to be invoiced, please contact us directly.